Having trouble getting in the mood to start a task? A project? A chore?We avoid or postpone doing things for many reasons. Our minds and hearts are often not on the same page about a task that’s on our to-do list. It could be that the task at hand is something that’s preventing you from doing something more fun or more urgent or following up on some interruption… and there can be a whole set of reasons that together encourage you to avoid, avoid, avoid…
On The Lighter Side: Reasons for avoiding can be many and cannot be narrowed down to a singular reason all the time. It’s a matter of context and your own particular set of hang-ups that prevent you from getting started on a job.
If it’s on the Lighter Side: It could be that your environment is not conducive to your work. If you’re working in an office that does not have adequate noise control and your work requires quiet – then the environment is not helping. If on the other hand, you are way too comfortable and in your pyjamas and working at home seems like a mammoth task – you are right: your environment is not helping you get in the work zone at all.
On the Deeper Side: The not-so-light things that can make you avoid starting tasks can be diverse. As you go deeper into the obstacles within you that are preventing you from initiating work, you might find inner obstacles that have less to do with your environment and more to do with your psyche.
Our inner, intangible world is seldom a place that we find easy to explore. If we do look inward, we might find it a bit messy with competing tasks calling for our attention, hopes, ambitions, pressures, passions, anticipations, wounded feelings, a sense of exhaustion, confusion, anxiety to get everything done… and further down, you might find a sense of meaninglessness in the tasks that are directly in front of you, because of those buried existential concerns like “why am I stuck in this job at this age?” or “who am I really working for?” or “am I happy in this marriage?” or “if I don’t pass this exam, I’m screwed and my life is over” or “I’m never going to be seen as competent” or “I need to work to survive but I hate my life and my work”… you get the idea.
What to do? Where to start? Although the best idea to get rid of a problem is by resolving the deeper roots, not everyone is ready, nor willing, nor necessarily capable of addressing deeper issues right away. However, here are some tips to get you started:
Dress for the Occasion. By preparing to wear specific clothing that reflects the nature of what we are about to do, we send a message to our psyche that our energy is now to be redirected to a task that we are about to start.
Install Reflection Time. Every day, set time to reflect upon what is on your plate and how you would like the day to unfold. Having a mental picture of what you need to do and how to do it can solidify your aims for the day, making it easier to start projects.
Simply Prepare, Before Doing Anything. Is it studying you need to get done? The don’t worry about studying. Spend a few minutes laying out the books that you need to study. Perhaps a note pad and pen? Get those. Perhaps an extra lamp because it’s too dark? Get that. If it’s getting errands done, what do you need for the errands? Put those at the door. You get the idea.
Clear The Space. By clearing the space from ALL that is unrelated to your task, you are clearing the mind and saying to it “it’s time to let go of everything else” and you mind comfortably focuses.
Keep The End In Sight. This is crucial in a couple of ways, to say the least. First, by limiting the time spent on a task, you are framing it – you are telling your mind and your energy to do whatever it needs to do WITHIN a boundary of time. Secondly, having an image of how things will look as you finish within your time frame, it helps to have a clearer idea of what you are trying to accomplish. Often, imagining outcomes can also help to give you a reality check in terms of what is really attainable today or this week, etc.
These are only a few pointers that can facilitate starting a task or project. There are many more of course. On the deeper obstacles, solutions may require more reflection and time to understand what might help or what inner work needs to be done. Deeper obstacles require deeper work.
Long-Lasting ChangeCounselling & therapy can help resolve the deeper issues in ways that can leave you feeling liberated and more motivated to get things started. For example, if a deeper issue in your life involves a difficultly say no to tasks that are given to you because of a life-long tendency to please people, you might be taking on more tasks that you are reasonably able to handle and this could be burning you out. Other issues may have to do with trauma, a lack of structure in your life, childhood wounds around a sense of competence, emotionally chaotic relationships… the list goes on. Seeking professional help can bring these deeper issues to light in a way that can pave the way to better ways of coping, less to cope with and strategies to develop strength and excitement in your daily activities.
If you are interested in seeking professional help or would like to inquire, call: 514-594-1215
On The Lighter Side: Reasons for avoiding can be many and cannot be narrowed down to a singular reason all the time. It’s a matter of context and your own particular set of hang-ups that prevent you from getting started on a job.
If it’s on the Lighter Side: It could be that your environment is not conducive to your work. If you’re working in an office that does not have adequate noise control and your work requires quiet – then the environment is not helping. If on the other hand, you are way too comfortable and in your pyjamas and working at home seems like a mammoth task – you are right: your environment is not helping you get in the work zone at all.
On the Deeper Side: The not-so-light things that can make you avoid starting tasks can be diverse. As you go deeper into the obstacles within you that are preventing you from initiating work, you might find inner obstacles that have less to do with your environment and more to do with your psyche.
Our inner, intangible world is seldom a place that we find easy to explore. If we do look inward, we might find it a bit messy with competing tasks calling for our attention, hopes, ambitions, pressures, passions, anticipations, wounded feelings, a sense of exhaustion, confusion, anxiety to get everything done… and further down, you might find a sense of meaninglessness in the tasks that are directly in front of you, because of those buried existential concerns like “why am I stuck in this job at this age?” or “who am I really working for?” or “am I happy in this marriage?” or “if I don’t pass this exam, I’m screwed and my life is over” or “I’m never going to be seen as competent” or “I need to work to survive but I hate my life and my work”… you get the idea.
What to do? Where to start? Although the best idea to get rid of a problem is by resolving the deeper roots, not everyone is ready, nor willing, nor necessarily capable of addressing deeper issues right away. However, here are some tips to get you started:
Dress for the Occasion. By preparing to wear specific clothing that reflects the nature of what we are about to do, we send a message to our psyche that our energy is now to be redirected to a task that we are about to start.
Install Reflection Time. Every day, set time to reflect upon what is on your plate and how you would like the day to unfold. Having a mental picture of what you need to do and how to do it can solidify your aims for the day, making it easier to start projects.
Simply Prepare, Before Doing Anything. Is it studying you need to get done? The don’t worry about studying. Spend a few minutes laying out the books that you need to study. Perhaps a note pad and pen? Get those. Perhaps an extra lamp because it’s too dark? Get that. If it’s getting errands done, what do you need for the errands? Put those at the door. You get the idea.
Clear The Space. By clearing the space from ALL that is unrelated to your task, you are clearing the mind and saying to it “it’s time to let go of everything else” and you mind comfortably focuses.
Keep The End In Sight. This is crucial in a couple of ways, to say the least. First, by limiting the time spent on a task, you are framing it – you are telling your mind and your energy to do whatever it needs to do WITHIN a boundary of time. Secondly, having an image of how things will look as you finish within your time frame, it helps to have a clearer idea of what you are trying to accomplish. Often, imagining outcomes can also help to give you a reality check in terms of what is really attainable today or this week, etc.
These are only a few pointers that can facilitate starting a task or project. There are many more of course. On the deeper obstacles, solutions may require more reflection and time to understand what might help or what inner work needs to be done. Deeper obstacles require deeper work.
Long-Lasting ChangeCounselling & therapy can help resolve the deeper issues in ways that can leave you feeling liberated and more motivated to get things started. For example, if a deeper issue in your life involves a difficultly say no to tasks that are given to you because of a life-long tendency to please people, you might be taking on more tasks that you are reasonably able to handle and this could be burning you out. Other issues may have to do with trauma, a lack of structure in your life, childhood wounds around a sense of competence, emotionally chaotic relationships… the list goes on. Seeking professional help can bring these deeper issues to light in a way that can pave the way to better ways of coping, less to cope with and strategies to develop strength and excitement in your daily activities.
If you are interested in seeking professional help or would like to inquire, call: 514-594-1215